Managing Director Mike Rawlings wants to bring his management experience to organisations to
support their work in an ever changing world. Extensive knowledge of management techniques,
setting up or restructuring organisations or just real hands-on experience bring a catalogue of
support that is available to charitable, voluntary and third-sector organisations.
35 years as a CEO, Director of Services and Advice Service Manager have given Mike a unique
insight into the governance, operations and performance criteria required for the successful
survival and quality service provision for today's not-for-profit businesses. Dealing with
quality assurance, auditing, restructuring, project management, recruitment, personnel
management and fundraising can be daunting and exhausting, particularly for small to medium
sized operations with perhaps a sole manager or chief officer, or a small management or trustee
As the founder of Change-Up, Mike is looking to bring knowledge and practical know-how to your
organisation, sometimes to increase revenue and quality of service provision and sometimes to
restructure and react to turbulent situations. Time spent in the not-for-profit sector, civil
service, construction, project management and retail management brings a unique blend of
customer service and expert understanding of how a business operates and how it can succeed in
testing times.
Some of the projects Mike has been involved with are:
- Starting the first not-for-profit legal aid consortium for civil legal aid in the country.
- Reviving the fortunes of a small advice agency, raising the funds and managing the
construction of the new advice centre back in the community.
- Successfully winning over £1m of legal aid contracts for civil legal casework across Essex
with caseworkers delivering services across 10 advice agencies.
- Refurbishing and integrating an adjoining property for a substance misuse crisis centre in
the heart of London to care home standards and listed building status whilst maintaining
occupancy and service to the communities across London.
- Helping to plan and project manage a three storey new-build community resource centre to
house large and small voluntary and charitable organisations.
- Delivering contracts won from Ministry of Justice, Big Lottery Fund, Department of Energy &
Climate Change, Legal Aid Board, Lloyds TSB Foundation, Veolia Trust, EHRC, Essex County
Council and many local authorities.
- Winning the contract to provide housing advice and information for a local authority.
- Serving as a Director of local charitable organisations and chair of the governing body for
Thurrock Adult Community College, including leading on two OFSTED inspections.